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Business Guide

The Business Guide provides you with the „tools of the trade“ and offers you checklists and practical guidelines for your successful entry into the European e-commerce market.

  • Advancing digitization has profoundly changed the logistics industry by opening up new opportunities for greater transparency and efficiency: Modern technologies enable seamless networking and data integration along the entire supply chain. This allows companies to optimize their operational processes and react quickly to dynamic market conditions. As a virtual representation of physical supply chain processes, the AI-based digital twin is also playing an increasingly important role in the management of complex supply chains. We discuss how a digital twin works, what advantages the approach offers and how it can be implemented in practice.

  • As the volume of global trade increases, so does the environmental impact associated with the transportation of goods over long distances. Sustainable practices in cross-border logistics are therefore becoming increasingly important in Freight Forwarding: they are not only crucial for reducing CO2 emissions, but also for ensuring a sustainable global supply chain in the long term. In our blog article, we present various ways in which companies can act more sustainably in the international movement of goods.

  • The use of blockchain technology in procurement is transforming the way companies handle transactions, orders and the verification of product authenticity. Thanks to its decentralized network, which ensures transparency and security, blockchain technology makes a decisive contribution to optimizing procurement processes. In our blog article, we look at the many possible applications of this advanced technology and discuss how it can increase the efficiency and reliability of supply chains.

  • Effective supply chain management is a key concern for all companies operating in a global business environment. Push and pull strategies form the backbone of supply chain management and determine how companies manufacture, store and deliver their products to customers. But how do managers find the right balance between supply and demand to avoid risks and remain flexible at the same time? We discuss the difference between push and pull strategies and why ever more companies are adopting a hybrid approach.

  • The increasing digitization of global supply chains is also having an impact on Supply Chain Sourcing: Companies are turning to smart technologies and strategies to optimize their procurement processes and better adapt to ever-changing market demands. The digital transformation in sourcing offers a multitude of opportunities and is fundamentally changing how managers identify, select, manage and interact with suppliers. We discuss how companies can optimize the different elements of Supply Chain Sourcing with the help of various technologies.

  • In view of changing customer expectations and legal requirements such as the German Supply Chain Act or the new EU CSR Directive, companies are increasingly responsible for keeping environmental impacts and risks as low as possible when purchasing products or services. For sustainable procurement, the ISO 20400 standard is particularly helpful, as it addresses aspects of social and economic sustainability in addition to environmental protection. We have summarized the criteria and benefits of the ISO standard and explain what role the digitally designed supply chain plays in meeting sustainability criteria.

  • It is a long way from production to delivery of a product to the end consumer. For many companies, it’s a key priority to ensure that the ordered goods are available on the agreed dates. After all, the more efficient, reliable and punctual the transport of goods, the higher the level of customer satisfaction. To achieve this, it is worth focusing on the middle mile. As the interface between procurement and the final provision of the goods, the latter represents a crucial and complex section of the supply chain. Find out here how strategic supply chain management can help to optimize transport between warehouses with the help of digital solutions in order to shorten delivery times, better manage inventories and meet customer expectations.

  • Strategic supply chain management is the foundation of a smooth flow of goods and thus the basis for economic efficiency and customer satisfaction. In this context, supply chains are becoming increasingly digital, as the use of innovative technologies and solutions enables the exchange and analysis of data, the automation of processes and tracking in real time. In our latest blog post, we discuss how the application of artificial intelligence (AI) as a disruptive technology supports logistics processes and can make a decisive contribution to optimizing and strengthening supply chains.

  • Resources are finite and unequally distributed on a global scale. Thus, a shortage of or difficult access to raw materials can result in economic risks such as production bottlenecks and rising prices. In order to minimize procurement risks, conserve resources and meet increasing sustainability requirements, the reuse and remanufacturing of products and materials in a Circular Economy is becoming increasingly important. In our most recent blog post on Circular Economy, we discuss the infrastructure that is needed in order to transform a linear supply chain into a sustainable supply cycle and how logistics can support this process.

  • Compliance is a key aspect in the logistics environment: It serves to prevent risks and thus to protect companies and their employees. As the topics of sustainability and due diligence are gaining momentum, companies in the B2B and B2C sectors should prepare for increasing transparency requirements along the entire supply chain. We highlight the challenges and benefits of compliance management and explain the technologies that support it.