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Supply Chains

  • With the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), ever more companies are fulfilling their responsibility to make a positive contribution to ecological and social development. This responsibility also extends to the logistics sector, where issues of sustainability and ethics are coming to the fore: In short, contemporary supply chains should be designed to create long-term ecological, economic and social value, minimize environmental impact and improve the working conditions of people along the supply chain. In this article, we discuss how companies use CSR to design sustainable supply chains and which areas can be optimized.

  • Bypass Solutions can increase a company’s operational efficiency and have a significant impact on customer satisfaction: By allowing goods to be accessed before their final delivery – for example in response to the situation in the Red Sea or changing market conditions – they provide an answer to the high requirements of the volatile logistics environment. In this Q&A, Ralf Boelicke, Head of Product & Partner Management at Hermes International, explains how Bypass Solutions work in practice and what challenges can arise during implementation.

  • Transparency along the supply chain is not only important from an efficiency perspective. It’s also crucial for consumer confidence and sustainable development: After all, modern companies are facing the challenge of ensuring that their supply chain is designed not only efficient in terms of costs and time, but also environmentally and socially responsible. This responsibility requires companies to report transparently on their efforts in order to gain and maintain the trust and support of their stakeholders. In this article, we shed light on the role sustainability reports play in this context.