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  • Supply chains are not only becoming more complex, but also more digital: Sensors, IoT, telematics or automated systems are capturing more and more aspects of logistics processes. With Big Data, an exponentially growing flood of data from various sources is generated and analyzed every day, but it is often too large or too fast-moving for conventional data processing tools. The solution is efficient data management that helps companies capture, organize, store and manage all relevant information. We explain how companies can benefit from Big Data and data management and why it is important to continuously train employees in data literacy.

  • In the context of globalized flows of goods, supply chains are increasingly transforming into dynamic, data-driven systems. And yet, the more networked and complex a supply chain is, the more susceptible it is to disruption and malfunctions: Digitization is often also considered a gateway for cyberattacks on the supply network. To prevent such occurrences, IT security should be firmly anchored in a company’s DNA and considered from the outset. An information security management system (ISMS) in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 can become a genuine competitive advantage. In our latest article on the blog, we discuss which criteria are relevant for certification and what companies can do straight away to better protect themselves against cyberattacks.

  • In the context of globalization and the integration of supply chains across national borders, international transportation has gained in importance. In this context, the organization of goods movements over long distances is increasingly presenting companies with logistical challenges: In order to meet customer expectations and avoid bottlenecks, delays or failures of deliveries, a precise planning and coordination of the numerous processes is necessary. We explain how well-coordinated transport management not only increases the reliability of companies, but can also reduce costs and minimize environmental impact.

  • The planned EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) stems from a proposal by the European Commission. The legislation is intended to help reduce environmental decay and human rights violations in the globalized economy. If the CSDDD is adopted, all EU member states will be obliged to transpose it into national legislation and to amend existing provisions. So, who is affected by the so-called EU Supply Chain Act, what does it contain and how can companies be supported in its implementation?

  • Ever more companies are placing their strategic focus on meeting sustainability criteria: After all, in addition to the increased requirements on the customer side, there is also a growing number of legal regulations that require ecologically justifiable and resource-preserving actions. Companies that rely on environmental management in accordance with ISO (International Organization for Standardization) norm 14001 therefore have a strategic advantage. In our latest blog article, we discuss the added value that is associated with certification and which criteria are relevant.

  • Selecting suitable suppliers, comparing prices or processing orders – procurement processes take time and tie up human resources. This is all the more true if these steps are carried out manually. Thus, automated procedures in the purchasing process are an integral part of modern supply chain management and can help to make procurement more efficient, transparent and flexible. A wide range of e-procurement solutions as part of the digital supply chain helps companies streamline processes and relieve employees of routine tasks. We have compiled an overview of the benefits of e-procurement and present potential solutions.

  • This year, in response to ongoing supply chain disruptions, the majority of German companies have adjusted their procurement strategy. That was the finding of the business survey "How companies are responding to supply chain disruptions". The survey was conducted by the ifo Institute among 4,000 companies in the manufacturing, wholesale and retail sectors in July and published in October. We provide an overview of the key findings.