Fast delivery, cost-efficient shipping, and customer-friendly returns – these are all factors that play an important role for customers of online stores and platforms, also for cross-border purchases. By now, already 200 million of the total of 268 million online shoppers in Europe have ordered abroad at least once. Therefore, efficient cross-border logistics are important for e-commerce retailers and present a major challenge. In the last part of our "Sales Market Europe" series, you will receive tips on which aspects are relevant for efficient fulfillment.
Cross-border e-commerce
Europe remains of outstanding importance for online retailing: Four of the nine highest-revenue e-commerce markets are located on the European continent and make a significant contribution to the ongoing global online boom. However, the European economy is not only one of the most profitable sales markets, but with its pronounced heterogeneity, it also poses major challenges for cross-border commerce. The second part of our article series "Sales Market Europe" looks at the country-specific peculiarities of European e-commerce trade.
B2C online commerce has seen record growth over the past two years. Sales in cross-border e- commerce have also increased significantly: in 2021, the 500 most successful companies registered 1.4 billion cross-border visitors per month – an increase of 40 percent over the previous year. The first part of our series "Sales Market Europe" provides an insight into the development of European cross-border e-commerce.
For many years, the Just-in-Time model has been considered a success driver. In the crises of recent years it became apparent that the method also has disadvantages. Thus, the just-in-case method, suddenly had a comeback. But which method is suitable for whom – and do companies really have to decide? We want to provide fundamental answers to these questions.
Transparent supply chains, reusability of returns and environmentally friendly packaging: Sustainability in e-commerce is certainly a trending topic. Purchasing decisions are increasingly dependent on sustainability aspects. But what does this mean precisely, and what challenges does it entail for companies?
The global value chain continues to be affected by severe disruptions. Against this background, efficient supplier management is critical to success. We outline the challenges and provide tips for sustainable action.
Efficient customer management is the key to sustainable customer loyalty – and increased sales. We explain how you can meet growing customer demands.
In addition to major e-commerce events, there are other regional and seasonal sales peaks in Europe that offer companies attractive potential. We give you an overview..
Regardless of whether companies import or export goods: Shipping across national borders poses challenges for…
Whether Christmas business, e-commerce events or seasonal fluctuations: Peaks in demand are no exception in both B2C and B2B commerce. However, increased demand places greater requirements on logistics and fulfillment. We provide tips …